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Reflections by: Olivia RobertsonIsian News Issue 131![]() photo © 2009 M.Q. Click on the blue speaker to hear Olivia read this article: (mp3 / 8:15 min / 1.9 mb) ![]() "EVEN THE GODS OBEY THE FATES" During these interesting times of Global Warming, Financial Meltdown and global violence, so many of us wonder should we be on our knees in penitence for having trashed our lovely Earth; or standing up bravely for our values – or simply enter the beautiful Many Coloured Land of our visions – with an exciting climax in 2012! To pay honour to the moment, I offer three of my prophetic visions. The first I choose was in the New Year of 1947. At that time – I was 29 – I knew nothing of the religion of the Goddess. As a Protestant I had been brought up to avoid Catholic “Mariolatry”. So what happened came as a revelation. In vision at night, I found an angelic guide drawing me to a Catholic church. Before me on a pedestal was a statue of the Virgin Mary, in the form I had been told was “bad art” – a cheap Brussels mass-made figure, which was all that poor people could afford – in blue robe and white gown. My Guide told me that artificial flowers could be added if I chose! I felt the appropriate cultural disapproval…. Then I saw a mighty white Cone of White Light descending from the heavens with its point descending upon the head of the figure. I heard the three beat music of Sibelius’ “Danse Macabre.” The Guide said: “This is the mightiest Power in the Universe. It is “The Sophia – Truth”. To my amazement, the luminous Cone descended through the figure which became alive. She was a living being, a woman with very long chestnut colour hair, in a beautiful blue robe over a white gown. But what startled me was that she was wearing a black mask over her eyes. As I watched she descended from her pedestal, and glided out of the church. She crossed from Ireland to England and from thence into the world. I asked: “What does this mean?” The reply came: “Good for the virtuous. Bad for the wicked.” “Why do you show this Nemesis as a very young girl?” “Because she represents the abused principle. She is totally weak, so she is completely powerful.” I relate this as inspiration from the stars. The second prophecy I choose came later, on Sunday 20th July 1985. I feel it belongs to the Sun. I found myself in a large hall facing a group of people headed by a tall dark woman. She drew a black veil over the lower part of her face, like a yashmak. I was required to answer the three riddles of the Sphinx. The first riddle concerned the rising of the Sun. I drew my hands down to the ground and raised them. My reply was: “Goodness comes from the Earth.” The second riddle was: “What is the meaning of the Sun at noon?” I lifted my arms and brought them downwards. “We need to lift ourselves up and receive life from the Divine Source.” The last riddle was: “What does the setting of the Sun signify? Is this fortunate or misfortunate?” “This relates to the decline of the old world, and the hope of the Great Awakening of the New Aeon. As with all Divine happenings, there are two sides. It will bring good fortune to those worthy of it; misfortune to those who oppose Deity.” I note that a change in the rising and setting of the Sun may relate to a possible axis shift of the earth. I find most meaningful a recent prophecy that I connect with our Earth. At night on the 28th July 2005, I found myself in our Temple of Isis, between the Leo Shrine and the old dungeon, now Cave of the Mothers. There appeared above me a shelf and on it were 3 small Voodoo figures that I had bought in New Orleans. Suddenly, towering above me on my right appeared a black robed woman – so high I could not see her face. I found myself saying: “Shall I go on my knees?” I received a reply in a woman’s strong deep voice: “I am not an executioner.” I was aware I was holding a large decorated book by Dion Fortune, author of “Sea Priestess” and “Moon Magic.” So I thought this dark Goddess was The Orrthe figure, our Irish Morrigan. A week or so later, when the Hurricane Katrina devastated New Orleans, I decided the Goddess was the African Sea Deity Yemaya. Was I offering to go on my knees to save the city? The words “I am not an executioner” meant that ‘She’ was not punishing people. Retribution from the inhuman cruelties of the slave trade had inevitable retribution through the workings of The Fates. Cruelty in one life leads to payment deferred to another lifetime when the soul is ready to repent. Pondering on the tragic history of Ireland, I remember the words of an Irish woman, when I asked was she upset by the loss of the riches brought by the Celtic Tiger. “Not a bit,” she replied cheerfully. “We Irish are used to being poor. We remember the famine.” (Our thanks to Minette Quick for forwarding this from Olivia.) ![]() ![]() All Rights Reserved. |