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Reflections by: Olivia RobertsonIsian News Issue 127![]() photo © 2009 M.Q. ![]()
"REFLECTIONS ON DESTINY" As a puzzled recipient of occasional pre-vision, I sympathise with the Greek Prophetess Cassandra, who nobody believed. My fate is the opposite. I find people believe my predictions and then I worry! I have the feeling that when you tell a future event it may not happen I used to channel my gift through giving Tarot readings. This was when I did not understand psychic readings. Yet even as a girl I was successful in reading palms. But until I obtained some rationale for such a curious gift, I distrusted it. After all, my father was a Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society, and did not accept scientific validity for Astrology. There has been an unfortunate fission between exact sciences and religion. People born with psychic gifts, are disapproved of by both parties. For instance Anton Mesmer performed remarkable healing which he claimed came through Animal Magnetism. To the religious he was a heretic, because he did not claim ecclesiastical authority. Scientists ridiculed him because academic scientists of the 18th Century declared that Animal Magnetism did not exist! He was disgraced branded as a charlatan and heretic. Nowadays, both parties, ecclesiastic and scientific, hail him as a pioneer of hypnotism. His reputation is saved. He was simply in error in his na ve belief in this Animal Magnetism. I believe both parties were in error, and not Mesmer! What he called Animal Magnetism was Etheric energy termed Kundalini Melusina Chi. This energy is known to occultists but not yet accepted by religions or scientific establishments. As for heresy, I believe he used just the same healing method as did Christ and other spiritual healers. As an energy healer myself, I was drawn to the Marseilles pack of Tarot. This strange pack I believe, was inspired by an Initiate of Energy Power. The very patterns and symbolism describe the awakening of the seeker, The Fool . Enlightenment is gained through the awakening of the Divine Spirit through the Crown Centre The Lightning struck Tower. As the Apprentice, The Fool makes his journey, he becomes the Magus. It is the hand of the Magus/Maga, that controls the four elements of the suits of earth, air, fire, and water. There are three gifts bestowed upon the newly awakened Welsh Magus, Taliesin, when, as apprentice Little Gwion, he tastes three drops from the Cauldron of the Goddess Ceridwen. These are Inspiration, Prophecy and Shape-Shifting. During my account of the alchemical adventures of the twins Aiden and Elaine, I dealt with Inspiration through the stars in Nuit of the Starry Night. Through Brigid of the Rainbow Planets I dealt with practical lessons derived from the energy centres within our own bodies, related through the sacred planets, reflectors of the stars. I found dealing with Shape-Shifting a challenge. To attain cosmic consciousness, various mystical states are experienced. Omnipotence power - deals with the practical use of occult forces through the planets. Omniscience all science deals with the universal language of symbols, emblems, hieroglyphs that are the keys to linking the spheres of ascent and descent. The most friendly form of greater consciousness is omnipresence. My sister-in-law, Pamela, had the gift of communion with trees and plants. This omni-presence was the inspiration behind the great New Age movement that swept through young people during the sixties and seventies of the last century. Now the swing is towards omniscience, using symbols to attain wider consciousness. This leads to the spread of symbolic Art. I enjoyed describing the Alchemical Twins experiencing Shape-Shifting extreme omni-presence because this is an antidote to that paranoia I am the Highest that can afflict those on the Path. To become a whale, a centipede, a hen, is an effective cure for acting as Queen of Atlantis, Emperor of Lemuria. (Yes, I ve met them.) By all means do the Celebrity role if you have very low self-esteem. But for its reverse, there is more nothing more down to earth than to find yourself a contemplative sow! Now I propose taking the twins on a zodiac pilgrimage through the Tarot, because this brings them into contact with fellow pilgrims. They start off alone and end as part of a spiritual family. Well, that is to be hoped! If they fail they can always try again. There is all the time in the world. ![]() ![]() All Rights Reserved. |