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Reflections by: Olivia RobertsonIsian News Issue 146![]() photo © 2009 M.Q. Click on the blue speaker to hear Olivia read this article: (mp3 / 8:42 min / 2.0 mb) ![]() Living in a Virtual World Like many Bohemians, I have been rebuked for taking things lightly: “To laugh wildly in the face of death.” (Shakespeare) So we should do, if we recognise Death as the sham it is. To give an example: “The Chymical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz” has been described as a hoax, perpetrated by its brilliant author, Valentin Andreae. One of the ‘absurd’ scenes is when Cupid pricks the hand of Rosenkreutz with a dart which draws blood. Cupid is not acceptable as a real being but as an allegory with his darts. Not at all. In that strange world of psychic Rescue Work which I sometimes help out, I lost my temper, furious at the games played by evil doers. I did notice that they were trying so hard to be bad, but were amateurs compared with some members of religious establishments. Anyway the whole occult matter was brought to a happy conclusion by the sudden apparition I saw of a tiny naked boy made of golden metallic light. His hair and wings were opaque, of a vermilion-red. The hair was strange – like wool. His features looked Indian. I loved his glorious smile showing shining white teeth. He lifted my arms above my head and peered down at my face three times from above. Then he vanished and all evil was dispelled by love and laughter. I found he had left a memento – two blood-red thorn marks on the palm of my right hand. Humanity is now venturing upon the no-man’s land of the cyber world. Nothing is what it seems. A hopeful schoolgirl dreams of a perfect lover and finds him on her computer as a noble image. But if she is unwary enough to meet him – he is old and terrifying. A young man is tempted to take a job in a foreign country – and arrives there having sold all his savings. He is trapped into a crime ring, and dares not escape because he is an illegal immigrant. How can we protect our children and ourselves from a holographic world? We have a choice. We can retreat from the virtual world, and ban all computers and cell phones and ‘twitters’ and ‘facebooks’ and settle in an ideal retreat centre. Or is it? We face the same problems with people who can present themselves as spiritually fascinating and exciting as any ‘wolves’ in the cyber world. I see the Vulnerable as a character in Beatrix Potter’s heroine in her children’s book “Jemima Puddleduck.” Jemima was a duck and was safe with fellow ducks who all chanted “Pitpuck puddle-duck.” But she strayed. Jemima met a gentleman in a smart waistcoat. He with beautiful red fur ears and a long bushy red tail. Jemima got herself a blue bonnet and met him secretly in a wood. He told her to bring him presents including sage and onions…. This tale ended correctly because the farm sheepdog ate the gentleman with red whiskers, rescuing Jemima from her destined end on the farmer’s dinner table. That was the way it was. We vulnerable dreamers were under the protection of male members of one’s family and tribe if we obeyed the rules. There was the sheriff, and the police, and they were backed by the military. Faced now with planetary danger, women, the lost half of humanity, wonder what they can do to save our earth, our home. I have a curious answer in an incident that occurred in the Dublin Theosophical Society. It was in the ‘fifties.’ I was arguing with a woman who said that the Roman Catholic Church had taken the Left Hand Path. At that time I was practising seeing only the Good In All, and disapproved of people with conspiracy theories. These targeted the Vatican, The Freemasons, the Elders of Zion, the Illuminati, and, of course, Witches. However, something odd happened. The woman later said she had been standing by me as I happily conversed with a Spiritual Healer. She claimed she got struck on her side by an electric shock. When she got home she took out her latchkey. It was twisted beyond use! She had to have her door broken into. She wouldn’t allow the matter to rest. A locksmith told her it was impossible to twist steel except professionally. She contacted me. I could offer no explanation – but felt rather pleased somehow… The Healer also declined responsibility. We felt the incident reflected on our positive reputation. The lady then drew it to the attention of Theosophy Headquarters in London. They had no explanation. I assumed that Deity was showing me that I was right and that the lady was wrong. How reassuring…. But now I have another explanation. Recently in a group, a woman felt she was being pushed too far, and could not write her book, I gave her a psychic reading, and as she left she said: “Thank you. You have given me my key. Now I feel free to write my book.” I noticed that she was free of her group – and of myself. She had found her own key. So now I understand that one person’s key will not work for another. No-one holds the Keys of Heaven and Hell, nor can they save or damn anyone. There is only one key to heaven and hell. It depends on yourself and in which direction you face. ![]() Return to Reflections Audio ![]() (Reflections articles are included here at the request of Olivia Robertson. Our thanks to Minette Quick for forwarding these.) All Rights Reserved. |