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Samhain 2005 Isian News - Issue 118
Reflections by: Olivia Robertson


On Live Aid Day I sat feeling utterly helpless before the terrible facts and sorrowful faces of African children – thousands of whom die from hunger every day. I admired our Dublin activists, Bob Geldorf and Bono. In spirit I was with the thousands who filled the streets of Berlin, London, Tokyo, Brisbane, singing Aid Songs. I felt useless, lost in dreams of paradise, while others suffered on earth.

I received guidance in the form of questions. How many African members have you in FOI? Thousands. What are they seeking? New hope of spiritual awakening. What does the Fellowship do for them? We offer free membership and books when these can be afforded. We offer a religion of Africa, based on the Goddess Isis whom they love as Divine Mother. We acknowledge all the good in their own religions. They are confused – even repelled by our cold technological life style. We offer love, and joy and hope.

Question: What can you do today? It is July 2nd and nearly lunchtime. You are just sitting. How do you communicate with the world?

Why! Arachne’s Spider Web! Brigid’s Bridges. I shall do it now! Ignore lunch **** At once I rang up Archdruidess Minette Quick, our neighbour, as I am not on the Web. I told her what was in my heart – my own desire to identify with Live Aid and my hope that other members might join me. She used E-mail – which I have not got – to contact Connia, Manager of our FOI Homepage. I asked that Connia should choose the picture from those she had. I hoped she would choose one of a woman with wings and arms outstretched towards children and animals. Later I had a vision of just such a woman, arms held out with love – and with very long black hair – wearing a luminous white gown. I gather this was Mary Magdalene, Priestess of Isis. Connia herself chose this drawing. My message got on the air on July 2nd.

What I learn is that my set ways have to change if I am to reach ninety – still lively – in two years! I adore classical music and abhor “pop”. Yet no famous opera singer nor conductor of a symphony orchestra led this “Help Africa” campaign. It was two Pop musicians whose music I had never heard! I had shown Mick Jagger round our Temple without ever having heard his music, deciding I would not like it. I had a harpist of the Chieftains and Van Morrison round the Temple. I vaguely liked the harping – but to this day have not heard anything by Van Morrison. Millions love the music of our Dublin “U2”. Not me. I haven’t heard it.

It is the rising generation who may save millions of lives – not only in Africa but throughout the world. Are they forerunners of the mysterious Indigo Children, said to have “supernatural” abilities? Ah – it is an FOI Priestess in New York State who provided a Nigerian father with ten books on these Indigo children – as he himself had such a son. He found nine books rather mystical, but really found help in the tenth: “How to feed your Indigo Child.” It seems to me the children who need feeding are not only Indigo: they are black and brown; yellow and white. Let us do so with the life force of Mercury and the leadership of Jupiter.

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