Changing Faces of the
Fellowship of Isis Temple
2011 High Altar - photo © M.Q.
In this section you will find Olivia Robertson's changes to the Castle Temple from 2011 - 2013, illustrated with photos by Minette Quick.
May 25, 2013 Painting of Scota, Temple Dedication to Brigid in Gaelic, Shrine of Libra, Shrine of Sagittarius, Well of Truth, Golden Dawn & NOT Shrine, Brigid Na Mara (7 new photos)
March 30, 2013 The Young Bride,Sekhmet, Bast, Psyche, (4 new photos)
January 31, 2013 Message from Olivia, Winged Hathor, Disc Goddess (2 new photos)
January 19, 2013 Persephone, Shrine of Aries, Isis Carving, Derceto, SE Window Shrine, Shrine of Pisces, Shrine of Aquarius (9 new photos)
December 1, 2012 Mystic Doorway, Grainne, Morrigan, Cancer Shrine, Isis mirror, Brighid mirror in Well Chapel (6 new photos)
November 26, 2012 Altar of Ishtar, Osiris & Horus mirror, Cave of Mothers, Shrine of Nephthys (Aries), High Altar, Isis & Hathor mirror (7 new photos)
May 12, 2012 Olivia's studio, Shrine of Cancer, Juno Statue (3 new photos)
May 3, 2012 Brigid of Joy
Painting, Portraits of Olivia's ancestors, Painting of Strathloch Coat of Arms (5 new photos)
April 28, 2012 Olivia's Studio Shrines, (5 new photos)
March 22, 2012 Star Chapel - Altar of Ishtar & Tammuz, (3 new photos)
March 17, 2012 Shrine of Andromeda Constellation, Shrine of Aquarius, Animal Guardians of the High Altar, (5 new photos)
March 2, 2012 Cave of the Mothers, Shrine of Gemini (2 new photos)
February 25, 2012 East Golden Dawn Window, Grainne - the Sun Goddess, Visionary Painting, Healing Well, North Window, Sagittarius Altar - Painting of Morrigan (7 new photos)
February 11, 2012 Cave of the Mothers, Shrine of Mamabuluka & Child, Nephthys, Osiris & Isis, Isis Close-up, Brigid Na Mara Well Shrine (6 new photos)
Jan. 24, 2012 - New Well Cover. (1 new photo)
Jan. 14, 2012 The Uncovered Well, The Ishtar Altar, Earlier painting of Ishtar - Members' Shrine, Shrine of Dana, Altar of Tara (5 new photos)
January 9, 2012 The Well of Brigid Na Mara, High Altar - Isis Detail, The 3 Aspects of Isis in the Hathor Mirror (3 new photos)
January 1, 2012 Egyptian Sun God Ra, Osiris of Earth - Geb in Shroud, Osiris of the Constellation of Orion, Shrine of Osiris with Nephthys and Isis, Well Cover - 4 Elements of the Sidhe, Shrine of the Star Children of Polaris, Dublin boy, Seraph and Angel, Portrait of Dublin boy (8 new photos)
June 14, 2011 Portrait of Hathor, Shrine of the Anthrosphinx, Granite Dolmen doorway, The Cave of The Mothers (4 new photos)
June 13, 2011 Butterfly of Psyche, Shrine of Aries, Shrine of Cancer, Shrine of Leo, Isis & Shrine of Mirror of Osiris, Full-Length Hathor with Fruit, Shrine of The Anthrosphinx of Sekhmet, Bast, Ra (8 new photos)
May 29, 2011 - Star Chapel, Shrine of Dana, Shrine of Tara, Star Children (4 new photos)
May 22, 2011 - Star Child (1 new photo)
May 16, 2011 - Ishtar altar, Shrine of the Anthrosphinx (2 new photos)
May 8, 2011 - Star Chapel Ceiling with assorted photos of the stars, Ishtar altar, Tara altar, altar of Aquarius (9 new photos)
April 26, 2011 - Cave of Mothers, Arianrhod, Shrine of Andromeda, Isis blessing plants, Shrine of Aries, Athena's Owl, Shrine of Taurus, Shrine of Anthrosphinx, Goddess Gangur (9 new photos)
April 17, 2011 - Mayan Sun Disc, Goddess Mago, Cave of Mothers, Temple Guardians (5 new photos)
April 10, 2011 - Cave of the Mothers, Isis & Osiris, The Sphinx, The God Ra, Melusina, In the Star Chapel (6 new photos)
April 6, 2011 - Statue of Isis, The Winged Disc, Gangur Shrine (4 new photos)
March 23, 2011 - The Egyptian Priestess Scota, Two family sculptures, Goddess Cerridwen, Cauldron of Cerridwen, Amateras (6 new photos)
March 13, 2011 - The Mirror in the Labyrinth - Ishtar Altar, Hathor's Mirror - Members' Chapel, Masks of the God Apollo in Toga & the Veiled God Dionysos, Gangur's Shrine (4 new photos)
March 1, 2011 - Cave of the Mothers, Oasis Shrine, Asian Chapel & Goddess Ariadne (4 new photos)
February 6, 2011 - Veiled High Altar, Pisces Altar of Psyche, Well Temple (3 new photos)
January 2011 - High Altar update with audio files and photos
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