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Sobre los Traductores

Our thanks to these translators for sharing their work with our members!

Elena Rubio-Lara y Martín Marini: Elena Rubio-Lara está permanentemente viajando entre Chile y Argentina. Es traductora profesional, y en el año 2007 tradujo al español el Manifesto de la FOI. Es la fundadora (y su esposo el co-fundador) del Iseum de la Sagrada Espiral del Sur, dedicado a Isis y Osiris.

Sandra Román: Sandra es la fundadora del Iseum Virgen Desatanudos y del Isis Desatadora de Nudos Iseum. Ella reside en la Provincia de Santa Fe, Argentina.

About the translators:

Elena Rubio-Lara and Martín Marini: Elena Rubio-Lara is permanently traveling between Chile and Argentina. She is a professional translator who translated the FOI Manifesto to Spanish in 2007. She is the founder (and her husband the co-founder) of the Iseum de la Sagrada Espiral del Sur, dedicated to Isis and Osiris.

Sandra Román: Sandra is the founder of the Iseum Virgen Desatanudos and the Isis Desatadora de Nudos Iseum. She resides in Provincia de Santa Fe, Argentina.

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Copyright nota bene: Individual translators retain ownership of their work, but not the copyright of the material itself, nor a permission to publish. Translated materials are only to be shared publicly on this website (the FOI Homepage), unless additional permissions are received from the copyright owners.

Copyright Note: The FOI Liturgy on this website is copyright protected. Copying the Liturgy text or pages to another website or publication, is prohibited. Printing of individual rites by FOI members for their personal and group ritual use is encouraged and allowed.

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