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Die ÜbersetzerinOur thanks to Gisela for her time and dedication in sharing these translations with our members!Ich heiße Gisela, ich wohne in Berlin, habe 4 erwachsene Kinder , ich bin in verschiedenen zivilgesellschaftlichen und interreligösen Projekten aktiv. Ich bin Priesterin-Hierophantin des Lyceums mit dem Ziegenfisch, das Isis, Inanna und Enki geweiht ist. The translator: My name is Gisela, I live in Berlin, I am mother of 4 grown up children and I am engaged in several civic and inter-religious projects. I am Priestess-Hierophant of the Lyceum with the Goatfish, which is dedicated to Isis, Inanna and Enki. Copyright nota bene: Individual translators retain ownership of their work, but not the copyright of the material itself, nor a permission to publish. Translated materials are only to be shared publicly on this website (the FOI Homepage), unless additional permissions are received from the copyright owners.
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