Fellowship of Isis ~ Audio Gallery
Invocations & Oracles
Olivia Robertson

© Logic Reality
This section includes audio clips of ritual invocations by Lawrence Durdin-Robertson (LDR), and Goddess Oracles received by Olivia Robertson (OR).
Invocation & Oracle of Hertha (LDR & OR)
(MP3 file/747kb/3:11 mins)
Invocation & Oracle of Tara (OR)
(MP3 file/830kb/3:32 mins)
Invocation & Oracle of Kali (OR)
(3:30 mins/844 kb)
Invocation & Oracle of Tiamat (OR)
(6:00 mins/1.35MB)
Oracle of Ishtar (OR)
(3:39 min./857kb)
Oracle of Maya (OR)
(3:30 min./836kb)
Oracle of Selene (OR)
(2:30 min./577kb)
Oracle of Sophia (OR)
(3:09 min./740kb)
Oracle of Rhea (OR)
(2:46 min./649kb - transcript)
Invocation & Oracle of Hathor (LDR & OR)
(4:51 min./1.11mb)
Invocation of Hathor (LDR)
(:44 min./178kb)
Invocation of Hecate (OR & LDR)
(1:08 min./268kb)
Invocation of Isis (LDR) and Oracle of Isis #1 (OR)
(:50 min./201kb) & (3:06 min./720b)
Oracle of Isis #2 (OR)
(4:16 min./ 1 mb)
Invocation & Oracle of Isis #3 (OR)
(4:08 min./ 1 mb)
Invocation & Oracle of Nuit (LDR & OR)
(5:18 min./1.2mb)
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