Fellowship of Isis
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Fellowship of Isis - Foundation Center Timeline1976: Founding of the Fellowship of Isis, Vernal Equinox (more)1977: Certification of 1st FOI Iseum: "Iseum of Rhiannon of the Wild White Horse", U.K. 1986: College of Isis (more) 1989: Noble Order of Tara (more) 1989: 1st FOI World Convention, London 1992: Druid Clan of Dana (more) 1993: Parliament of World s Religions, August (more) 1994: 1st Annual USA Convention, Chicago 1996: 1st FOI central website: London, UK 1999: Archpriesthood Union (more) 1999: Fellowship of Isis Homepage 1999: Restructuring of the Fellowship of Isis (more) 1999: Spiral of the Adepti (more) 2000: Druid Clan of Dana & Noble Order of Tara Structures (more) 2001: Helpers of Isis Special Projects (more) 2003: Star of Isis-AU, August (more) 2003: Spiral of Alchemy, October (more) 2004: Circle of Brigid, Clonegal Castle Gatherings, May (more) 2004: Isis Theatre Company, Clonegal Castle, December (more) 2004: Circle of Isis (more) 2006: FOI s 30th Anniversary, Spring Equinox (more) 2006: Spiral of Isis, September (more) 2006: Circle of Pelagia 2006: Round Table of Tara/NOT, November (more) 2006: Nemeton of Dana/DCD, November (more) 2007: Olivia Robertson's 90th Birthday, April 13th (more) 2007: The Muses Symposium (more) 2008: The Star of Elen (more) 2009: Foundation Union Triad (more) 2011: Cressida Pryor named Olivia's successor & Recentralization back to the Foundation Center (more) 2013: The Hon. Olivia Robertson passes to Spirit Sphere (more) 2014: Code of Ethics (more) 2014: Dissolution of the FOI Union Triad & explanation the of COB as FOI's "central parliament" (more) 2015: Foundation Center Prayer Tree (more) 2015: Foundation Center statements regarding non-affiliated members (more) 2015: Order of the Helmet of the Pallas Athena/Vessel of the Seer (more) 2016: 40th Anniversary of the Fellowship of Isis! (photos) & (report) 2017: Remembrance of Olivia Robertson - Centenary (more) 2018: Expansion of the Circle of Brigid to include the Rainbow Circle (more) All Rights Reserved. |