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This Fellowship of Isis website has been authorized by the FOI Foundation Center: Clonegal Castle, Enniscorthy, Eire

Message from Olivia Robertson,
Co-Founder Fellowship of Isis
Received March 4, 2012

I have been authorised in person by Olivia Robertson, Co. Founder of the Fellowship of Isis, to send this message to you and to all the under-mentioned members. Minette Quick (Hon. Sec. Circle of Brigid) Ireland


4 times I, Olivia Robertson, have been “Dead” on the Web. “Reports greatly exaggerated”. I’m still here at 94.

Now I am apparently proliferating as “Other Olivia Robertsons.” To identify myself, I am Co-Founder of the Fellowship of Isis and my home is in Huntington Castle, Clonegal in Ireland, and my friends can identify who I am!

Above all I DO NOT HAVE A PERSONAL FACEBOOK ACCOUNT. I’m not on the Web other than via the official centres and websites of the Fellowship of Isis listed below, and no-one is authorised to speak or write on my behalf!

Cressida Pryor, Olivia’s niece and successor 1
Caroline Wise of the Star of Elen, UK 2
Deena Hartray Butta of Isis Seshat, Chicago 3
Connia Silver of the FOI Homepage, Arizona 4
Linda Iles of the Circle of Isis, California 5
Minette Quick, Hon. Sec. Circle of Brigid, Ireland 6

(Our thanks to Minette Quick for forwarding this message from Olivia.)

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